To retrieve a list of candidate GUIDs in a given specified date range criteria based on one of the three events: created, updated, or deleted. Once the list of GUIDs that match the criteria is returned, subsequent calls to Match APIs - Fetch (Multiple) Candidate details by GUID (SOAP) can get one or more full candidate details.
- Feature, track_candidate_last_changes, is required to track Updates and Deletes
- Modules
- Source&CRM - ON
- Privileges
- Source&CRM - API User
API Request
Request Type
Field | Type | Required | Description |
Username | String | Yes | The client ID of the CRM user performing the call. |
Password | String | Yes | The secret key of the CRM user performing the call. |
Request Body
<GetCandidateIds xmlns="http://profile.talemetry.com/">
<ExcludeSources type="array">
<ExcludeLifeCycles type="array">
Request Parameters
Field | Type | Required | Description | Sample Value |
DateTimeRange | No | The From, To, and Event fields must be specified if included. | ||
From | DateTime | Yes* | Start of the date range. Supports ISO 8601 date format. |
To | DateTime | Yes* |
End of the date range. Supports ISO 8601 date format. You must specify at least one of From and To. |
Event | string | Yes* |
Describes the event that happened to the candidate in the specified date range. Supported event: created, updated**, or deleted. The feature track_candidate_last_changes must be on to start tracking updated and deleted events. |
updated deleted
ExcludeSource | array | No |
This allows you to exclude candidates with a profile from any specified source. The check is performed on all candidate profiles and is not limited to the primary source. |
ExcludeSource | string | No |
Profile source value code used in CRM. |
ExcludeLifeCycles | array | No |
Allows to exclude candidates with a specified Life Cycle state. |
ExcludeLifeCycle | string | No |
Life Cycle value code configured in CRM. |
PageSize | Number | No [Default=100, Supported 1 to 100] |
Pagination results on page. |
1 |
Cursor | Yes, if more than one page of results is produced |
If the request produces more results than the page size, the <Cursor> field is included in the response. The cursor should be included in the following request to get the next page of results. |
(*) Required if DateTimeRange is included.
(**) Tracking the following changes to the candidate’s data: contacts, experience, education, job applications, consent, profile added, resume updated, audience type changed, lifecycle changed, tag (added or removed), note (added or updated or removed), custom or standard field (added or updated or removed).
Sample Request
<soap:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <soap:Header> <AuthHeader xmlns="http://profile.talemetry.com/"> <Username> {key} </Username> <Password> {key} </Password> </AuthHeader> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <GetCandidateIds xmlns="http://profile.talemetry.com/"> <DateTimeRange> <From>2024-08-29T17:00:00Z</From> <To>2025-05-05T16:25:19Z</To> <Event>created</Event> </DateTimeRange> <ExcludeSources type="array"> <ExcludeSource>peoplesoft_ats</ExcludeSource> <ExcludeSource>talemetry</ExcludeSource> </ExcludeSources> <ExcludeLifeCycles type="array"> <ExcludeLifeCycle>employee</ExcludeLifeCycle> </ExcludeLifeCycles> <PageSize>10</PageSize> <Cursor>90272dea-4f36-11ef-87e6-e26b115c7a29</Cursor> </GetCandidateIds> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Sample Response: Created, Deleted
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Header> <StatusType xmlns="http://profile.talemetry.com/"> <StatusNumber>0</StatusNumber> <Description>Success</Description> </StatusType> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <GetCandidateIdsResponse xmlns="http://profile.talemetry.com/"> <result> <message>OK</message> <Candidates type="array"> <Candidate> <guid>11d8cdd8-12d5-11ef-b5cf-d69fcb5f52e1</guid> </Candidate> <Candidate> <guid>53b3d1a8-6faf-11ef-ab8f-caebf48fb506</guid> </Candidate> </Candidates> <Cursor>53b3d1a8-6faf-11ef-ab8f-caebf48fb506</Cursor> </result> </GetCandidateIdsResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Sample Response: Updated
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Header> <StatusType xmlns="http://profile.talemetry.com/"> <StatusNumber>0</StatusNumber> <Description>Success</Description> </StatusType> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <GetCandidateIdsResponse xmlns="http://profile.talemetry.com/"> <result> <message>OK</message> <Candidates type="array"> <Candidate> <guid>9036d394-7114-11ef-9c70-b6a35a531041</guid> <changes type="array"> <change>details</change> <change>resume</change> </changes> </Candidate> <Candidate> <guid>90497c38-711e-11ef-b7de-3eb5ebff32cc</guid> <changes type="array"> <change>details</change> <change>resume</change> </changes> </Candidate> <Candidate> <guid>909477ce-7114-11ef-b7de-3eb5ebff32cc</guid> <changes type="array"> <change>details</change> <change>resume</change> <change>custom</change> </changes> </Candidate> <Candidate> <guid>90c0bee8-711d-11ef-b7de-3eb5ebff32cc</guid> <changes type="array"> <change>details</change> <change>resume</change> <change>lifecycle</change> <change>audience</change> <change>note</change> <change>tag</tag> </changes> </Candidate> </Candidates> <Cursor>90c0bee8-711d-11ef-b7de-3eb5ebff32cc</Cursor> </result> </GetCandidateIdsResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Changes Include:
- <details> - material update to the candidate’s data, i.e., changes to the contacts, work and education history, consent, job applications, and new profile added.
- <resume> - primary resume updated.
- <lifecycle> - Lifecycle State updated.
- <audience> - Audience Type updated.
- <tag> - tags are updated.
- <note> - notes are updated.
- <custom_field> - custom or standard fields are updated.