*This feature is included in the Winter 2025 Release
The Conditional Questions page in Evolve Recruitment Marketing (RM) aims to configure relationships between parent and child questions. Parent questions can be Boolean, Multiple-Choice/Single-Answer, Multiple Choice/Multiple Answer, or Multiple-Choice/Single-Answer Centralized list types. Child questions are shown based on the answer to the parent question and can be any type. Both parent and child questions can be configured to be required or optional.
Company Administrators
Limitations and Restrictions
Please be aware of the following limitations and restrictions when creating conditional questions:
- Conditional Questions are not currently supported on Language Workflow types.
- Parent Questions cannot have more than 500 answers.
- The page will not load or save properly.
List Conditional Questions
Navigate to your user menu, then click Applications.
Select Apply, then click Conditional Questions.
The Conditional Questions page shows the following information:
- Parent Question ID – This is the defined parent question. NOTE: If the question is language-aware, the locale will be shown in brackets beside the Parent Question ID.
- Parent Question Text - The question text that is displayed to the candidate.
- Parent Question Type - The type of previously defined conditional questions. NOTE: These were defined via the Apply Questions API or through create condition.
- Edit – You can edit the question condition.
- Delete – You can delete the question condition.
Create Condition
To create a condition, select an existing parent question using the search box.
The parent questions are shown in the dropdown. NOTE: You can also use the search to find the question by ID. If you are using language-aware questions, the locale of the question will be displayed.
Once you choose a parent question, click Create Condition.
The Edit Condition page will be displayed.
Edit Conditional Question
To edit a Conditional Question, follow the steps from Create Condition or click Edit next to the parent question.
The Edit Conditional Question shows the following information:
- Parent Question - The parent question is at the top. The first row allows you to make the parent question required or optional.
- Parent Answer - A list of all available answers to the parent question is shown.
- Child Question - For each answer, you can define a child question (or any type) and make that question required or optional.
- Required toggle – Use this toggle to adjust whether a question is required.
Click Save.
Add Additional Child Questions for a Parent Answer
If you wish to add additional child questions to display based on Parent Answer, choose a parent question from the drop-down.
Using the Required toggle, you can choose to make each question required or optional. NOTE: The required toggle must be adjusted here; you will not be able to configure this in the Add Conditional Question to an Apply Workflow Step.
You can edit and add a subsequent child question for a parent answer by editing the conditional questions and adding a second question.
Click Save.
Repeat this process until you have configured all the desired Child Questions for a given Parent Answer.
Delete Conditional Question
Navigate to your user menu, then click Applications.
Select Apply, then click Conditional Questions.
Click Delete next to the question you want to delete.
Click OK to confirm you want to delete the question.
NOTE: If the conditional question is on any apply workflow step, you may not delete it. The error pop-up will display which apply workflow, and step have it in use. You must go to that apply workflow and step and remove the question.
Add Conditional Question to an Apply Workflow Step
Navigate to your user menu, then click Applications.
Select Apply, then click Workflows.
Select a standard workflow.
Click Edit beside the Questions 1-3 step.
Add the conditional question parent to the apply workflow step by clicking Add question.
Choose the desired conditional question from the dropdown. The dropdown will show all questions not already configured to be answered on the current workflow (on the current page or other pages).
You will see both the parent and the child questions added to the step. The child questions are in italics.
You can only remove the parent question from the workflow step. All child questions will also be removed.
You cannot change the required flag on the apply step (this is determined in the conditional question setup).
Candidate Experience
When the candidate is on an apply workflow step with static questions (Welcome, Questions 1-3, Final), only the parent questions are shown to the user initially. The example below has three parent questions:
When the candidate answers a parent question, and the answer matches a configured child question, the child question will be shown. The child question will be required or not based on the configuration. The example below includes answers to 3 parent questions that have a configured child question: