All emails from Evolve Recruitment Marketing (RM), including emails to candidates (e.g., regular emails sent by recruiters or mass campaign emails) and emails to agency contacts, include an Unsubscribe link at the bottom. You can customize the text of the link and the page to which the email recipient is redirected after they unsubscribe.
NOTE: It is recommended that the Candidate Portal - Features be implemented, which will replace global unsubscribe with a Manage Subscriptions option with global unsubscribe included.
Company Administrators
How to Use
Navigate to your user menu, then click Applications.
Select the Campaigns dropdown, then click Settings.
You can update the following fields:
- Unsubscribe link text - Update this field to change the verbiage of the unsubscribe link. The default text is Click here to unsubscribe. If you use the Candidate Portal, the recommended text is Manage Subscriptions. NOTE: If you include the merge code Manage Subscription in the email template, that link will override the automatic text inclusion of the link. This is the best practice for maintaining template branding and using templates in different languages.
- Landing page URL - Enter the URL where the email recipient will be redirected after they click to unsubscribe. NOTE: It is recommended that you use the Candidate Portal (Settings) instead.
- Create a landing page - If you do not provide a Landing Page URL, the unsubscribed person will be redirected to a generic landing page. You can configure the content of this page here. The default content is You have successfully unsubscribed. NOTE: It is recommended that you use the Candidate Portal (Settings) instead.
Click Update to save your changes.
Customize Unsubscribe Link Text
By default, the unsubscribe link text is displayed to the left of the email template. However, you can use the following workaround to make the text customizable.
Navigate to your user menu, then click Applications.
Select the Campaigns dropdown, then click Settings.
When editing an email template, click Insert Merge Field and add the Manage Subscription field. This will insert the Unsubscribe link text and allow it to be editable. The automatic link will not be included.
Click Update to save your changes.