Managing Tasks



In Evolve ATS, tasks are created from a candidate's profile using the communication pull-out tab (green flyout menu) on the right side of the screen. While they are tracked in the Tasks section of the candidate's record, your tasks can be viewed from the My Tasks dashboard widget and the Tasks icon. Given the many details involved in the hiring process, it is highly recommended that you use the native tasking feature in Evolve ATS to help organize your team's recruiting efforts.


Recruiters and Hiring Managers

Create a Task

You can create a task by using the communications pull-out tab (green flyout menu) on the right side of the candidate profile page.

Navigate to the Candidates tab, then select a candidate.

select candidate.png

Click Add Task from the green flyout menu.

add task.png

When creating a task, you can make the following selections:

  • Assign a Due Date; this selection is required.
  • Assign the task. The default selection is to assign the task to you; however, you can use the Assign To field to select any other Evolve ATS user from the menu. If you choose someone else as the assignee for the task, they will receive a notification email with a link to the candidate record/task within the message. The assigned task will also appear in this employee's My Tasks list on their Home Page.
  • Use the free-form field to define/explain the task. 

create task.png

Click Send to save the task and initiate the notification email (when applicable).  

Review and Edit Tasks

If you have a task you would like to review or edit within Evolve ATS, there are three quick and easy ways to do so:

  • From the Tasks tab on the candidate profile.
  • From the My Tasks widget on the dashboard.
  • From the Tasks icon in the navigation bar.

Candidate Profile

One option for reviewing/maintaining tasks is within the Tasks tab of the related candidate record.

candidate profile tasks.png

You can review the tasks corresponding to a specific candidate, and any filters you apply only show results related to that candidate.

view tasks candidate profile.png

Click + to view/expand the task.

expand tasks.png

You can do the following:

  • Check the box to Complete the task
  • Delete the task.
  • Edit the task.

task options.png

Dashboard Widget

The Evolve ATS homepage dashboard has a My Tasks widget, which displays all of your currently assigned tasks.


Your options in the My Tasks widget are the following:

  • Click the checkbox to the left of a task to mark it as completed.
  • Click the Candidate Name/Job Name to go to the candidate record.
  • Click View Task to go directly to the Task tab of the candidate record.
  • Click the forward/backward arrows in the lower right corner of the widget to navigate to additional tasks pages.

my tasks widget.png

Tasks Icon

Another option for reviewing/managing tasks is to use the notification icon on the main menu bar to open a complete task list.

my tasks notification bell.png

Options in the Task List view include the following:

  • Use the Filter By panel to view Open, Overdue (only), or Completed tasks. You can also filter for Task Type, Assigned to yourself or created by you and assigned to others. For example, you might filter for Overdue tasks assigned by you to a specific employee to determine whether or not you need to follow up with them regarding the assigned tasks.
  • Use the Sort By menu to view the current task list based on the Date Due, Date Created, or Date Completed (depending upon what type of tasks you are currently viewing).
  • Use the Candidate Name/Job Name to go to that application record.

tasks menu.png

Click the + to the left of any task to expand the task.

expand tasks 2.png

You can do the following:

  • Check the box to Complete the task
  • Delete the task.
  • Edit the task.

task options 2.png

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