If a requisition does not appear on your external career site, you can check a few things within Evolve ATS to ensure it is set up to display there.
Recruiters and Hiring Managers
Requisition Status
Requisitions can be in several statuses; however, only a requisition that is both Open and External will be posted to your external career site.
To check the requisition status, navigate to the Requisitions tab.
You can review your requisitions and verify they are set to Open and External.
Requisitions with Approved status will not appear on your career site. To update the requisition status to Open, click the requisition.
Click Open.
The requisition will be posted to your career site.
Requisition Posting Options
When creating or updating an existing requisition, you can make selections under Requisition Posting Options.
For a requisition to be visible on your external career site, make sure that Everyone (External) under Posting Type is selected. This selection ensures that the requisition will be posted and shared externally (not limited to employees or specific roles).
You will also need to select Career Sites (External and Internal). Checking this option will post the requisition on your external and internal career sites.
To update your Requisition Position Options, select the requisition you need to update.
Select Details, then click Edit.
From the dropdown menu next to Posting Type, select Everyone (External).
After the Posting Type has been changed, the Publishing Options will automatically update to Career Sites (External and Internal).
At the bottom of the page, click Save.
The requisition will be posted to your career site.