The Billboards feature in Evolve ATS enables administrators to communicate key hiring strategy information with all your users. The Billboard Widget is one of the default widgets on everyone's Dashboard (home) page, even those with just the Employee role. You might use a Billboard message to communicate regarding your Employee Referral Program, key positions you would like your team to share (through Jobvites), your current hiring campaign or challenges, or any other appropriate message. Any new Billboard message you enter in Evolve ATS is scheduled to expire after two weeks; however, you can also select the expiration date. You can also enter and publish a new message at any time.
Add a Billboard Message
Within Evolve ATS, navigate to your user menu, then select Admin.
Click Configurations.
Click View Billboards.
Click New Message.
You can do the following:
- Enter a Title (Headline)
- Enter a Message (up to 1,000 characters)
- Adjust the Expiration date if needed
NOTE: You may select from several templates; they are fully editable in the Message and Title fields.
If desired, click Preview.
Click Publish.