Requisition Categories



Within Evolve ATS, it's easy to maintain your requisition categories. Categories are one of the key metrics job seekers use to search for jobs of interest to them on both your career site and third-party job boards. Because they are outwardly focused, you should use standard category names generally used and understood by the recruiting industry and job seekers. This is so your jobs are easily found by those with a legitimate interest in them.




Navigate to your user menu, then select Admin.

Cropped admin menu.png

Click Configurations.

cropped admin config.png

Click View Categories.

view categories.png

You can perform the following actions:

  • Edit an existing category.
  • Click Add Category to create a new category.
  • Delete an existing category.

category options.png

NOTE: If you have category field mapping, you must also update it to include any new or updated categories. Please see Requisition Field Mapping for more information.

Edit Existing Category

Click Edit.

edit category.png

In the text field, enter a new category name.

edit catagory name.png

Click Save.

Your updated category will be added in alphabetical order to your existing list.

Add Category

Click Add Category.

add category.png

In the text field, enter a name for the category.

new category name.png

Click Save.

Your new category will be added in alphabetical order to your existing list.

Delete a Category

NOTE: If the category is being used in a requisition, you cannot delete it. Items deleted will be removed from all historical data.

Click Delete.

delete category.png

Confirm you want to Delete the category.

confirm delete.png

The category and all historical data will be removed.

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