Support Ticket Statuses



When you submit a support ticket in Jobvite, your ticket is routed to a support agent to be worked on. During this process, your ticket may go through different statuses before the issue is resolved and closed. The following are the different statues you may see and what they mean:


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Ticket Statues

  • New—A New ticket status means a ticket has just been created and has yet to be assigned to a support agent. Because our system automatically routes all tickets, your ticket should only briefly be in this status.
  • In Progress - An In Progress status means an agent has been assigned your ticket and is reviewing it for a solution.
  • Engineering - In Progress - An Engineering - In Progress status means the ticket has been escalated to our engineering team for review.
  • Pending Customer Response—When a ticket is Pending Customer Response, we are waiting for a response from the ticket requester. If you see your ticket is pending, please be sure you have responded to support about the issue. Once a response is collected, the ticket will return to Support to be worked on.
  • On Hold - Pending Customer Update - When a ticket needs to be placed into pending due to a specific upcoming date that impacts Support from proceeding with the issue reported based on customer needs. (e.g., the company is closed for holiday breaks). This is to prevent auto-close in these rare circumstances.
  • Engineering—Fix Date Identified—Our engineering team has identified a fix for your issue and set a release date. Our support team will communicate this to you.
  • Scoping—Your request requires a config change or is outside the scope of our Support team. We will need to determine the scope of the work and any associated costs. Once this is complete, your account management team will contact you.
  • Meeting Scheduled - A call has been scheduled between you and Support to address the ticket placed.
  • Solved - A Solved status means we have solved the ticket request. The ticket will remain in this status until the requester confirms it is solved or for seven days, whichever comes sooner. After seven days or a response, the ticket will automatically be moved to Closed.
  • Closed - A Closed status means the ticket is complete and Support is done working on the case.

NOTE: If needed, you have 28 days from the closed date to reopen a ticket.

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