Add vs. Move a Candidate to a Requisition



In Evolve ATS, you have the option to Add or Move candidates to requisitions. There are a few key differences between Add and Move. This article covers the differences between these options so you can make the best selection for your hiring process!   


Hiring Managers and Recruiters

Add Candidate

Adding a candidate to a requisition is a function of each requisition, and you can add a candidate to multiple requisitions.

When you add a candidate to a new requisition that does not have the same candidate workflow as the original requisition, none of the existing notes, messages, or tasks attach to the new application. For recruiters, this is of little consequence; however, if the new requisition has a hiring manager different from the original, the new hiring manager will not be able to see the historical data from the other application.

Please see Add Candidate to Requisition for further details.

Move Candidate

Moving a candidate means moving that candidate from one requisition to another. They will no longer be tied to the original requisition.

When the Move Candidate option is used, Evolve ATS verifies on the backend if the requisition is using the same workflow as the original requisition:

  • If the new requisition uses the same workflow as the original requisition - All the candidate’s information, including resume, values in standard and custom fields, notes, messages, and evaluations, will be moved to the newly selected requisition. The candidate will be deleted from the original application. The existing candidate status will be carried over to the new requisition.
  • If the requisition uses a different workflow than the original, Basic candidate information, such as resumes and values in standard fields, is copied and added to a new requisition. The candidate’s status on the new requisition is New. In this step, you will also be able to set the candidate's status on the original requisition to Rejected and decide if you want to send a rejection message to the candidate or not.

Move Candidate to Requisition

You can move a candidate to another requisition from right within their profile.

Navigate to the Candidates tab, then select a candidate. NOTE: You can also move them from the Candidates tab under the Actions drop-down (in both the list and carded views).

select candidate.png

Click the +, then select Move Candidate.

move candidate.png

Locate the requisition you wish to move the candidate to using one of the search options.

  • Search – Filter by the requisition name or ID.
  • Status – Filter by the requisition status (Active, Open, My Active, or My Open).
  • Category – Filter by category options such as Accounting, Marketing, Legal, etc.  

move candidate req selection.png

Select the requisition.

select req.png

Click Move.

After you select the destination requisition, you will see the Move Candidate popup asking how to accomplish the move operation. Select one of the following options.

  • Reject Candidate(s) from the requisition and copy basic candidate information to the selected requisition – This is the recommended selection. The candidate profile tied to the original requisition remains the same; only the workflow status will say Reject. A new candidate profile will be created, and the workflow status will say New. The candidate's resume will transfer. However, everything else is wiped out, which includes attachments, forms (Employment Applications), notes, evaluations, messages, etc. Historical data will still be reportable in analytics. This also provides a new Apply/Submission date. When this option is selected, you will be presented with the rejection workflow step that allows you to assign the candidate. After the candidate has been rejected from the original requisition, you can shift to the job application for the destination requisition using the Requisition drop-down.
  • Delete Candidate(s) from the requisition and copy all candidate information to the selected requisition—The candidate profile tied to the original requisition will be deleted permanently, and it will not appear in Analytics. The candidate profile will transfer over to the new requisition with everything, including attachments, forms (Employment Applications), notes, evaluations, messages, etc. The candidate profile under the new requisition will be reportable in Analytics. This option also keeps and carries the original Apply/Submission date.

move options for candidate.png

After selecting a move option, click Move.

Selecting the Feed tab on the candidate profile always allows you to reference all historical information captured in the original requisition.

candidate feed tab.png

NOTE: Moving candidates is particularly useful for General Application (GenApp) candidates or candidates who have applied to "evergreen" (dummy) requisitions.

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