Edit Pre-defined and Custom Fields



The ability to edit pre-defined and custom fields in Evolve ATS helps you customize your recruiting and hiring process. The following article will take you through best practices and the steps for editing these fields.



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Best Practices

  • Do not rename pre-defined fields. Renaming pre-defined fields can cause problems when identifying or updating fields for career sites, candidates, requisitions, or reporting purposes. This is because once the system determines a field, it permanently recognizes it by its original name.
  • Pre-defined field values cannot be edited in the Custom Fields section. To edit pre-defined values, go to the section that represents them and edit them there. Example: To edit Department values navigate to your user menu > Admin > Configurations > View Departments.
  • Fields are never truly deleted from Evolve ATS. If you click the delete icon (x), the field is simply removed from the form (such as removing it from the requisition record). You can always re-add a deleted field to any form by accessing it in the Available Fields section.
  • Changing values in pre-defined or custom fields may cause data loss in reports, candidates, and requisitions. If you need to change or remove a field value that has been in use for some time or that was selected and saved as part of a Candidate, Requisition, Offer Approval, Apply Page, or New Hire Notification, be aware that the old field value will remain saved until you edit that record. At that point, you must choose a new value for the field.

NOTE: If you change the name of custom fields or add values to a custom field and enable field mapping, you must update the field name and/or values in your field mapping file.

Example: If you have 30 requisitions in the Sales department but then change that department name to Outside Sales, creating a new requisition will show the Outside Sales department as a choice, while the previous 30 requisitions will remain in the Sales department. When you edit any of those individual requisitions, Sales will no longer be available as a choice, and you will need to select a different department.

Edit Fields

Edit Custom Fields

Navigate to your user menu, then click Admin.

Cropped admin menu.png

Click Configurations.

cropped admin config.png

Click View Custom Fields.

view custom fields.png

Find the field you wish to edit on the appropriate tab.

For example, if you wish to edit a custom field you added for candidates, click the Candidate sub-tab to find the field.

NOTE: Requisition fields can also be managed in the Requisition Library, Offer fields are now managed in Offer Settings, and Apply Form fields can also be managed from Apply Forms.  

candidate tab.png

Click the edit icon.

edit standard field.png

The only option for pre-defined (pre-configured) fields is to edit the Field Name.

NOTE: Changing the name of pre-defined fields in Evolve ATS is not recommended.

edit field name.png

For custom fields you create, you can edit additional field properties:

  • Field Name - This is the display name for the field. NOTE: If you change the field name and use field mapping, you will need to update the field mapping file with the new field name.
  • Values – You can update the values of custom fields (dropdowns, checkboxes, radio buttons). NOTE: If you use field mapping, the values must also be updated on your field mapping file. 
  • Offer Related - Selecting this option indicates the field is related to a candidate’s offer. This will help identify deleting a value if a recruiter edits a candidate’s offer by changing the Offer Form.
  • Report Help – The text you enter here will appear as instructive text if you run a report on this field.
  • Instructions – You can add clarifying instructions or information for the field.
  • For Data Feed - When checked, the custom field value will be available to job boards and requisition feeds.
  • Sync to Onboard - Selecting this checkbox would make the field available in Onboarding.

edit custom field options.png

Click Save.

Edit Requisition Custom Fields

Some properties on requisition custom fields can be defined on individual requisition templates.

Navigate to your user menu, then click Admin.

Cropped admin menu.png

Click ATS.

Cropped ATS menu.png

Click View Requisition Library.

view req library.png

Click View Requisitions Templates.

view req templates.png

Select the individual template.

req template selction.png

Next to the desired field, click the edit icon

req template edit field.png

You can update the following options:

  • Field name – You can change the field name within the template.  
  • Required – Checking this box will make the field required.  
  • Trigger Approvals - Checking this box will require the requisition to be resent for approvals if modifications to this field are made after a requisition has been created.
  • Modify Role Access – You can modify read/write permission at the field level. NOTE: If you’re modifying the role access (read/write permissions), the access must be adjusted at both the field and the role level for the modifications to reflect. To change read/write permissions at the role level, navigate to your user menu >  Users > View and Edit Roles > Select the role you want to change permissions for > Custom Fields > Edit > Adjust Read/Write permissions.
  • Instructions - You can add clarifying instructions or information for the field.

    edit req field.png

 Click Done.



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