What are Jobvite Multiple Offer Forms?
The Multiple Offer Forms feature in the Evolve Applicant Tracking System (ATS) allows Administrators to create an unlimited number of Offer Forms as required to support their organization's recruiting requirements.
- Administrators can create an unlimited number of Offer Form Templates
- Form/Field requirements can differ from one another
- Offer Letter Template(s) is associated with Offer Form
- Offer Form Conditions
- Improved user experience
- Users will only see a defined list of fields associated with the form
- Approvers only see the defined list of fields associated with the form
- Generate Offer will only display letters associated with the Offer form
- Reduced time to submit/approve a candidate’s offer
If you require additional assistance with Multiple Offer Forms, please reach out to Evolve Support via one of the options listed in the Help dropdown (question mark icon) on the main menu.
The following prerequisites are recommended to be completed by an Administrator before configuring Offer Forms:
- Enable Offer Letter Generation
- Enable Offer Letter Approval Workflow
Enable Offer Letter Generation
Click the User Menu and select Admin.
Click View Candidate Settings.
Scroll to the bottom and click Edit.
Select Enabled in the Offer Letter Generation section.
Scroll to the bottom and click Save.
Enable Offer Approval Workflow
Click the User Menu and select Admin.
Select ATS.
Click View Approval Settings.
Click Edit within the Offer approval workflow section.
Click Enable.
- Select the number of max approvers
- Select which individuals to notify when an offer is approved
Click Save.
Navigate to Offer Forms
Follow these steps to navigate to the Offer Forms screen.
Click the User Menu and select Admin.
Select ATS.
Click View Offer Settings.
Click View Offer Forms.
Update Existing Candidate Custom Fields
Follow the steps outlined below to configure your company’s existing candidate custom field configurations.
NOTE: These configurations are required for Multiple Offer Forms.
Navigate to Offer Forms.
Click the ellipses (…) in the General section, then click Edit.
Hover over the field(s) that are related to the candidate’s offer within the form. Click the edit icon in the Stock field.
Select the Offer Related checkbox.
Update other settings as needed:
- Required
- Triggers Approval
- Modify Role Access
Click Done.
Repeat the above steps until all fields are updated to be Offer Related.
Click Save.
Offer Form Conditions
Offer Form Conditions are designed to reduce the number of available Offer Forms that a Recruiter sees when moving a candidate into the Pending Approval workflow step. An Evolve ATS Admin will be able to configure which Offer Form(s) are available to a Recruiter by configuring the Offer Forms' Conditions. The Condition(s) will act like a filter that can support standard/custom Requisition and Candidate fields.
Within Admin > ATS> View Offer Settings > View Offer Forms > Click Conditions.
Click Add New Condition Group. Adding a condition will limit the list of available Offer Forms available to your users.
Configure your desired Condition(s):
- Select Field Type
- Requisition
- Candidate
- Select Field Value
- Name of the standard/custom field
- Fields not supported: Text and Zip
- Value
Click Save.
Create New Offer Forms
This section outlines the options for creating new Offer Forms, such as:
- Clone Existing Offer Form
- Build New Offer Form
Clone Existing Offer Form
Navigate to Offer Forms.
Click the ellipses (…) in the section of the Offer Form you want to clone, then click Clone.
Click the edit icon next to the form name.
Change the form name and click Done.
Click the edit icon for the Description and Form Code and update, as needed.
Update the form, as needed:
- Add Fields by dragging/dropping from the list of available fields to the desired location.
- Remove Fields by hovering over the section and clicking the delete icon.
Update Field configurations, as needed.
- Required
- Trigger Approvals
- Offer Related
- Modify Role Access
- Add Instructions (optional)
Click Done.
Click Save.
Click Conditions.
Update the Condition(s), as needed:
- Add/Update/Remove Condition(s)
Click Save.
Click Offer Letter Templates.
Select the Offer Letter Templates that are associated with the Offer Form.
Click Apply.
Click Save.
Create New Offer Form
Navigate to Offer Forms.
Click + New Offer Form.
Complete the following fields:
- Form Name
- Update the Form Code, if desired
- Description
Within the Offer Form section:
- Expand the Available Candidate/Available Requisition sections
- Expand subsections
- Drag/Drop the fields to the desired location within the form
Update the field configurations, as needed:
- Required
- Trigger Approvals
- Offer Related
- Modify Role Access
- Add instructions (optional)
Click Done.
NOTE: You can create custom fields and add them to your existing Offer Form. Follow the steps in the Create Custom Field section of this document.
Click Next.
Select the Offer Letter Template(s) associated with the Offer Form.
Click Next.
Configure your desired Condition(s), as needed:
- Select Field Type
- Requisition
- Candidate
- Select Field Value
- Name of the standard/custom field
- Fields not supported: Text and Zip
- Value
Click Next.
Review the form.
If you want your newly created form to be your default form, click Set as Default.
Click Save as Active to start using the form. If you are not ready to use the form, click Save to save it as inactive.
Edit Existing Offer Form
This section outlines the process for editing new Offer Forms.
Navigate to Offer Forms.
Click the ellipses (…) in the section of the Offer Form you want to clone, then click Edit.
Within the Offer Form section, you can:
- Expand the Available Candidate / Available Requisition sections
- Expand subsections
- Drag / Drop fields to the desired location within the form
- Update the fields configurations, as needed
- Required
- Trigger Approvals
- Offer Related
- Add Instructions (optional)
Click Done when you have finished updating/adding each field.
Change the form name and click Done.
NOTE: You can create custom fields and add them to your existing Offer Form. Follow the steps in the Create Custom Field section of this document.
Click Offer Letter Templates.
Select the Offer Letter Templates that are associated with the Offer Form.
Click Apply.
Click Save.
Click Conditions.
Click Add New Condition Group. Adding a condition will limit the list of available Offer Forms available to your users.
Configure your desired Condition(s):
- Select Field Type
- Requisition
- Candidate
- Select Field Value
- Name of the standard/custom field
- Fields not supported: Text and Zip
- Value
Click Save.
Create Custom Field
You can create a custom field and add it to your existing or new Offer Form.
Click Create a new custom field at the bottom of the Offer Form screen when you are editing fields.
Fill in the information for the following fields:
- Field Name
- Field Code
- Type
- Select Offer Related if the custom field is part of a candidate’s compensation package
- Select For Data Feed if the value should be available to API feeds
Q: Is there a limit on how many Offer Forms can be created?
A: No. Administrators can create as many Offer Forms as needed to support their organization.
Q: Within a Candidate Custom field, is Required and Trigger Approvals a global setting for that field?
A: No. Required and Trigger Approvals is a local setting for the Offer Form you are configuring.
Q: Within a Candidate Custom field, is Offer Related a global setting for that field?
A: Yes. Offer Related is a global setting for all Offer Forms.
Q: When creating a Candidate Custom field, what is the Offer Related checkbox used for?
A: Selecting this option indicates the field is related to a candidate’s offer which will be used to help identify deleting a value if a recruiter edits a candidate’s offer by changing the Offer Form.
Q: When Generating an Offer Letter, are all Offer Letter Templates displayed to the end-user?
A: No. The Select Offer Letter Template dropdown menu only lists the Offer Letter Templates associated with the Offer Form.