Working With Agencies



Agencies or external recruiters assigned to a requisition can submit their candidates through Evolve ATS. You will receive notifications of new candidates submitted by agencies, and the source will be appropriately attributed to that agency. All candidate submissions will be dated and time-stamped.

In Evolve ATS, an agency can only be associated with one agency user. In other words, if you are a recruitment agency with ten employees working with an Evolve ATS customer, you will only get one account mapped to your agency for access.


Human Resources

Add Agencies (New Agents)

To give an agency (a specific agent) access to submit candidates through Evolve ATS, select your user menu > Users.

user menu users.png

NOTE: You must have the human resource role in Evolve ATS to do this. If you are a recruiter who wants to work with a new agent, submit their first/last name and email address to your Evolve ATS human resources user, who can quickly issue an invitation email to that agent.

Select View Agency List.

view agency list.png

Click + Add Agency User.

add agency user.png

Complete the following fields in the Add Agency window:

  • First Name - First name of the agency user you want to invite.
  • Last Name – Last name of the agency user you want to invite.
  • Company Name – You can add the company name of the associated agency user; this will assist you in reporting on this agency's candidates and hires.
  • Email - Add the agency user's email address, which the agency will also use to log into their Evolve ATS account.
  • Send Invitation – You can send an invitation to the agency user.

NOTE: You may want to add an agent but not send them their invitation message so that you can de-select the Send Invitation option. However, the invitation will need to be sent and accepted by the agency user so they can see the jobs shared with them.

add agency user details.png

  • Edit Message - You can customize the invitation message the agent receives, but you must leave the links intact so they can accept the invitation.

edit agency invite.png

  • Add to Requisition – You can assign one or more of your currently active requisitions to the agent you invite to use Evolve ATS. The requisitions must be open and external to be visible to agency users.
    • Select one or more requisitions to save the need to edit each requisition to assign to the newly added agent(s). You can select one or more requisitions to assign to this agent. There are multiple ways available to search for a requisition. Those options include:
      • Requisition Title or ID
      • Status
      • Categories

Selections are "sticky," meaning that once selected (by clicking the related check box), you can navigate to other selections, and your original choice(s) will still be included.  

agency add to req.png

Once you've selected all the requisitions to add the Agency User to, click Add.

To finalize adding an Agency User, click Add Agency User.

add agency button.png

Manage Agencies

There are two additional options in the Agencies menu in addition to inviting new agents.

You can select one or more agents, click the Actions menu, and choose: 

  • Send Message
  • Remove 

additional agency options.png

Send Message

The Send Message option lets agents know about a new hiring initiative you are undertaking or to share new process steps or requirements with them. This can be the most convenient way to ensure you communicate essential items with all your active agents.

send message to agency.png


When you Remove an agent from your agent list, you remove their profile and their access to your Evolve ATS database. All references to their involvement with the candidates they submitted remain intact. Removing agents is an important security measure when an individual agent leaves their agency so they cannot continue to see data they should no longer have the right to see.

remove agency user.png

Assign Additional Requisitions to an Agency User

Beyond assigning requisitions to agents when they are first invited to use Evolve ATS, you (including hiring managers and recruiters) can choose which agency can access each requisition on a per-requisition basis.

Select the Requisitions tab and open the desired requisition.

NOTE: To be visible to agency users, requisitions must be Open and External; Limited Access and Internal requisitions will not be visible.

req selection.png

Select the Details tab, then click Edit.

edit req details.png

Select which agency can submit candidates for that requisition by clicking the Agency Access dropdown.

agency access req field.png

Click Save.

These agents will be notified that this requisition has been assigned to them. Use this same field when adding a new requisition to Evolve ATS. Selected agents will be notified when your new requisition reaches the active/open status.

NOTE: When selecting multiple agents to whom a requisition is assigned, each agent receives a BCC notification, meaning they are unaware of any other agent being assigned the same requisition.


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