What is the Home Page Dashboard in Evolve ATS?
The Home Page Dashboard is an operational dashboard - designed to help users manage their day-to-day recruiting activities. It is not an Analytics Dashboard. At its most basic level, the dashboard consists of a set of widgets, where each widget helps the user monitor or take action on a recruiting activity. Examples of widgets include an All Interviews widget that displays interview schedules in calendar format or a My Referrals widget that shows the status of candidates that applied through employee referrals. Users are presented with a default set of widgets based on their roles, all laid out on a single page.
What are the widgets available in the Home Page Dashboard?
KPI Metrics widget:
This widget tracks your candidate pipeline over the last 30 days, filtered by source. The source of the applications is entirely configurable by the user (e.g., career site, job boards, employee referrals, etc.). By default, the dashboard comes pre-populated with two metrics widgets - one to track applications from employee referrals, and the other to track applications from all sources. The number of applications that have come in over the last 30 days is also compared to the previous 30 days - and the widget highlights increases (or decreases) visually. You can add up to 4 widgets of this kind to your dashboard. This widget is only available to recruiters and hiring managers.
My Open Requisitions widget:
This widget shows the counts and provides quick access to candidates in any step of the hiring process. Information is only shown for requisitions that you are associated with. It is recommended to filter the contents of the widget to help prioritize your recruiting activities. For example, you can set up your widgets as: "Seattle jobs", "Chicago jobs", and Referral applications across all your requisitions, etc. The filters available are shown below, as well as the widgets themselves. You can add up to 4 widgets of this kind to your dashboard. This widget is only available to recruiters and hiring managers.
This widget shows the counts and provides quick access to candidates in any step of the hiring process. Information is only shown for requisitions that you are associated with. It is recommended to filter the contents of the widget to help prioritize your recruiting activities. For example, you can set up your widgets as: "Seattle jobs", "Chicago jobs", and Referral applications across all your requisitions, etc. The filters available are shown below, as well as the widgets themselves. You can add up to 4 widgets of this kind to your dashboard. This widget is only available to recruiters and hiring managers.
All Interviews - My Open Requisitions widget:
This widget shows a 2-week view of scheduled interviews (1-week view for Mobile) for requisitions that you manage. View the number of interviews per day, interview times, order, and whether interviewers are confirmed for the interview. You can also go back in time to get a historical view of your interviews. This widget is only available to recruiters and hiring managers.
Pending Requisition Approvals widget:
This widget shows the status of requisition approvals for requisitions that you own. Expand each requisition to see who approved and who is still pending. Only active approvals are shown here. This widget is only available to recruiters and hiring managers.
Pending Offer Approvals widget:
This widget shows the status of offer approvals for candidates on your requisitions. Expand each candidate record to see who approved and who is still pending. Only active approvals are shown here. This widget is only available to recruiters and hiring managers.
Pending Evaluations - My Open Requisitions widget:
This widget shows all pending evaluations for candidates who have interviewed for your requisitions. Expand each candidate's record to see who from the interview panel has yet to submit their evaluations. The widget considers evaluations as pending only if the candidate has not yet been rejected, the corresponding requisition is still active, and the interview has occurred within the past 30 days. This widget is only available to recruiters and hiring managers.
My Pending Requisition Approvals widget:
This widget shows those requisitions for which you are listed as an approver (in the approval chain), and your approval is pending. That is, unlike the "Pending Requisition Approvals" widget, which is pending approvals from others, this widget highlights requisitions that are pending approvals from you. You can reject or approve directly from this widget! This widget is available to recruiters, hiring managers, and employees with Approver role.
My Pending Offer Approvals widget:
This widget shows those offers for which you are listed as an approver (in the approval chain), and your approval is pending. That is, unlike the "Pending Offer Approvals" widget, which is pending approvals from others, this widget highlights offers that are pending approvals from you. You can reject or approve directly from this widget! This widget is available to recruiters, hiring managers, and employees with Approver role.
My Pending Evaluations widget:
This widget shows those candidates that you have interviewed, and your evaluation is pending. That is, unlike the "Pending Evaluations - My Open Requisitions" widget, which shows pending evaluations from those in the interview panel, this widget highlights evaluations that are pending on you. The widget considers evaluations as pending only if the candidate has not yet been rejected, the corresponding requisition is still active, and the interview has occurred within the past 30 days. This widget is available to all users.
All Open Requisitions widget:
This widget shows all the requisitions open in your company. For each requisition, you can see it's job title, location, and whether it is a Featured, Internal or Limited Access job. It is recommended to filter the contents of the widget to help prioritize your recruiting activities. For example, employees can setup their widgets as: "Internal Product Management jobs", "All Open Product Management jobs", so that they can either Apply or refer their connections, respectively. The filters available are shown below, as well as the widgets themselves. You can add up to 4 widgets of this kind to your dashboard. This widget is available to all users.
My Referrals widget:
This widget shows all the referrals you have made for your company's jobs. You will see the name of the candidate, which position you referred them to, status of the application, and the date they applied. This widget is available to all users.
My Tasks widget:
This widget shows a list of your tasks, and can be edited to show only upcoming, completed, or all of your tasks. This widget is available to all users.
Billboard widget:
This widget shows messages sent from your system administrator (Jobvite Admin). This widget is not configurable. This widget is available to all users.
Links widget:
This widget gives you access to some quick links. This widget is not configurable. This widget is available to all users.
This widget gives you access to some quick links. This widget is not configurable. This widget is available to all users.
How do I configure the settings of a widget?
You can configure the settings of a widget by following the steps below:
- Click the Settings icon on the top right of the dashboard to go into settings mode.
- Click Settings within each widget to filter the data you want to see, rename the title of the widget, etc.
- Save these settings to persist your preferences.
How do I customize the layout of the dashboard?
You can configure the layout of the dashboard by following the steps below:
- Click the Settings icon on the top right of the dashboard to go into settings mode.
- Move any widget as desired by using the 4-way arrow icon (drag-drop handle).
- To add any widgets, click on the Add Widgets button.
- Next, add the desired widget from the Widget Library as shown below.
- Rename the title of the widget if necessary, and modify any other settings as desired
Do widgets automatically update their contents as and when new data becomes available?
No, widgets update their contents only when a user visits the dashboard page. However, a Refresh icon has been made available in case the user wants to manually refresh the contents of the widget (without refreshing the whole page). See below.
What are the widgets available to different user roles (recruiter, employee, etc)?
Recruiters and Hiring Managers can see, and install all widgets available.Employees can only see the following widgets:
- All Open Requisitions widget
- My Referrals widget
- My Pending Evaluations widget
- My Tasks widget
- Billboard widget
- Links widget
- If employee has Approver role, the employee will also see the following additional widgets: My Pending Requisition Approvals widget, My Pending Offer Approvals widget
How many widgets of the same kind can be added to the dashboard?
The following widgets can have a maximum of four instances in the dashboard:- All Open Requisitions
- KPI Metrics
- My Open Requisitions
- My Tasks
- All Interviews - My Open Requisitions
- Billboard
- Links
- Pending Evaluations - My Open Requisitions
- My Pending Evaluations
- My Pending Offer Approvals
- My Pending Requisition Approvals
- My Referrals
- Pending Offer Approvals
- Pending Requisition Approvals
Are there any widgets that cannot be deleted by the user?
The following widgets cannot be deleted from the dashboard at all:- All Open Requisitions
- Billboard