The Job Description Grader (JD Grader or Grader) in evolve ATS is a talent acquisition tool that analyzes your job description and creates a custom report to help you overcome recruitment obstacles and attract the best applicants.
Using artificial intelligence (AI), the Job Description Grader highlights instances of insensitive words and words with potential gender or racial bias and provides feedback on overall readability and sentiment.
All users
NOTE: Only Evolve ATS users with roles with Requisition creation or Requisition edit permissions can utilize the Job Description Grader.
Job Description Grader in New Requisition
The Job Description Grader in a new requisition can be used in two different ways:
- With a pre-filled job description text in the Description text field
- Without any text in the Description text field.
Pre-filled Job Description Text in New Requisition
Follow these steps to use the Job Description Grader in a new requisition with the Description text field pre-filled with a job description text.
Navigate to Requisitions > click + Add Requisition.
Begin creating your new requisition (see Add / Create Requisition).
Add your requisition details in the form, including your job description, in the Description text field.
NOTE: You can still upload or copy and paste Job Descriptions into the Description text field as usual and then click the button to grade the text.
Click Grade Job Description.
The Grader will pull the data from the text box and run it through the grading service. A pop-up will display the graded results of the added text.
Review the feedback provided by the Grader. Then, you can Copy, Edit, or Print the results.
- Copy - If you are satisfied with the results of your graded job description, you can click Copy to duplicate the text from the Grader results on your clipboard. Close the Grader by clicking the X in the top right corner. Paste the content from your clipboard into the Description text field.
- Edit – If you notice areas of your Job Description that you want to change, re-run through the grader and click Edit. You will be able to update any text or content in your description. When you are finished editing, click the yellow arrow to run the new text through the Grader again and review the updated results.
- Print—This option allows you to print the graded output from the Grader to a connected printer or print to PDF to save it as a file.
Without Job Description Text in Description Text Field
Follow these steps to use the Job Description Grader in a requisition without any content in the Description text field.
Navigate to Requisitions > + Add Requisition.
Begin creating your new requisition (see Add / Create Requisition).
Before filling out the form, click Grade Job Description below the Description field.
Add the Job Title and content of your Job Description.
Click the yellow circle with the arrow to run the Grader.
Review the feedback provided by the Grader. Then, you can Copy, Edit, or Print the results.
- Copy - If you are satisfied with the results of your graded job description, you can click Copy to duplicate the text from the Grader results on your clipboard. Close the Grader by clicking the X in the top right corner. Paste the content from your clipboard into the Description text field.
- Edit – If you notice areas of your Job Description that you want to change, re-run through the grader and click Edit. You will be able to update any text or content in your description. When you are finished editing, click the yellow arrow to run the new text through the Grader again and review the updated results.
- Print—This option allows you to print the graded output from the Grader to a connected printer or print to PDF to save it as a file.
Job Description Grader in an Existing Requisition
The only difference in using the Job Description Grader while creating a new requisition vs. editing an existing requisition is that you may be working with an Active requisition in the editing process, so be extra careful when making any changes!
Navigate to Requisitions > select the desired requisition.
Click the Details tab, then select Edit.
Click Grade Job Description within the Description section.