Managing Candidates



This article provides an overview of managing candidates within Evolve ATS. This includes:

  • Candidate Search
  • Candidate Information
  • Add Candidates

Candidate Search

By default, the Candidates tab will display all the active candidates in your database (those who have not yet been rejected or hired) unless you change the Application Status filter to All and make any other selections in the Search Filter panel. You can search your entire candidate database using search filters such as Name, Resume, Messages, Notes, or Exact Match. To clear your filters and see the default list once again, click Reset All.

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NOTE: When you select All (Keyword) in the Candidate Search field, you can use Boolean operators (such as "and," "or," etc.). You can also change the Candidate list to display as Carded instead of List view by clicking the four-square icon towards the top of the page.

Candidate Information

Clicking the eye icon in the Info column will display a Quick View of the Candidate's Summary, Resume, Notes, Messages, and any scheduled interviews (if you have Video, there will also be a tab). Clicking View Details will redirect you to the Candidate's record.

NOTE: If the Candidate has multiple applications, you will see them in the Summary tab.

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A candidate record provides access to a wide variety of information about the Candidate and a means of managing each Candidate. Using the tabs across the center of the record, you can see a summary of the Candidate's information, view their resume and cover letter, write internal notes and email messages, and keep track of tasks. You can use the gear icon to reorder your tabs.

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  • Summary - Includes the Candidate's demographic information and inclusion in any Collections you or another recruiting team member has placed them in.
  • Application - Contains all the documents submitted by the Candidate, such as their resume and cover letter.
  • Workflow - Allows you to review the exact progression of this Candidate in the workflow.
  • Evaluations - This section contains all the post-interview evaluation forms completed by you or your colleagues; you can also send evaluation reminders here or directly fill out an assigned form. Notes: These comments can be added to the record and shared via email with internal contacts/colleagues.
  • Messages - External emails sent to or received from the Candidate or their third-party recruiter.
  • Tasks - This section contains the list of tasks assigned to you or colleagues in association with this Candidate; here, tasks can be edited, reassigned, or designated as complete.
  • Feed - This feed summarizes this applicant's Notes, Messages, and [Interview] Evaluations.

Add Candidates

There are several ways to add a new candidate. The first is to click on + Add Candidate at the top right corner of the Candidate page.

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Upload Resume.

Their information will be parsed into a fillable form, and then you can add the Candidate to a requisition of your choice. If you do not have a resume, you can manually enter data in the Candidate Information section and choose a requisition.

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