Candidates Tab



The Candidates tab in Evolve ATS shows a list of all your candidates. Each row on the page represents a candidate and shows the most recent application, indicating if the candidate has applied for more than one job.


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Navigate to Evolve ATS > Candidates tab.

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Use Cases

  • Candidate-centric vs. Application-centric View – A candidate is only shown once with the title of the most recent application and an indicator of the number of applications.
  • Candidate List View vs. Carded View – You can view your applications in two ways: The list view allows for bulk actions, whereas the Carded view places applications in larger cards with more details.
  • Quick View – This is a fast and easy way to look at a set of candidates. For instance, you may filter by a specific job and new status to screen your new applicants quickly. You can also search your entire database and quickly review your top results.
  • Reject All Applications – In one action, you can reject all applications for a candidate.
  • Enhanced Search – Boolean operators are supported and show a summary at the top to indicate the search you have performed.


There are several actions available directly from the Candidate List page:

  • Add New Candidate – To add a candidate to Evolve ATS, click + Add Candidate. It is recommended that you upload the resume first so that it can parse the information into the correct fields for you.
  • Change Application Status – This can be performed for a single applicant. Locate the applicant in the list, click their status in the Status column, and select the new status from the pop-up. NOTE: Only the next workflow steps are displayed; if you want to skip to a new status, click the Other link for the complete list of workflow steps.
  • Go to Candidate Details – Click the candidate's name in the list to navigate to the candidate details.
  • Go to Candidate Quick View – Click the eye icon to open the candidates' Quick View.
  • Go to Requisition Details – Click the requisition name from the Job Applied column.
  • Save a Search – If you regularly use a set of filters or search terms for searching, you can save the settings so that you can quickly return to the exact search again by clicking Save Search beneath + Add Candidate.
  • Active Filters – To remove specific filters in place, click the associated X(s) in the Active Filters pane.
  • Clear Search – If you want to clear all the filters or search terms and return to the default, click Reset All above the filtering pane.

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Additional filters are available by checking the box next to the candidate(s) and selecting an action from the Actions dropdown. These actions are also available in the Carded View.

  • Send Note (Forward Resume) – You can forward a resume or set of resumes to someone else within your company. You'll have the option to edit the email before you do it. To keep the size of the emails relatively small, if you choose to forward multiple candidates, the recipient will receive numerous emails.
  • Add to Requisition – You can add a candidate or set of candidates to a different job. When you choose this option, each candidate will remain as they were on their current applications but will also become an applicant on the selected requisition.
  • Change Status – You can change the application status of a set of candidates to a new status. You will only see workflow statuses available if you choose candidates from different requisitions with different workflows.
  • Reject – You can add a disposition and send a rejection email to the candidate. You also have the option to reject the candidate just for that application or for all the applications tied to the candidate.
  • Send Message – You can send messages to candidates. Messages can be edited before being sent. NOTE: If you have multiple candidates selected and send a batch message, they will receive separate emails and will not see each other's email addresses.
  • Delete – You can entirely delete the candidate from your database (must have the assigned privilege).
  • Add to Collection – Add the candidate to a collection of candidates based on skills or location, for example. To view the candidates in a collection, use the Collection filter.
  • Move Candidate – Move the candidate(s) from one requisition to another. This will remove them from the initial requisition they were attached to and add them to the selected requisition.
  • Send Video Interview – Send the candidate an invitation to complete a video interview. You will be able to edit the message and select the Questionnaire.
  • Download Resumes – Select one or multiple candidates' resumes to download simultaneously.

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Filters will be "sticky" as long as you are on the Candidates page. If you click on a candidate's profile from the list page and then navigate back to the list page, the filters will remain in place. However, the filters will be reset if you navigate to a different tab, log out, and then return to Candidates. Filter options include:

  • Posting Type – Filter between Internal, External, or Limited Access postings.
  • Requisition – Filter by a set of jobs (All Active, My Active) or a specific requisition. You can also view General Applications.
  • Requisition Type – Filters by the requisition type, such as full-time, part-time, contractor, or intern.
  • Application Status – Filter applications by a specific workflow status (e.g., New or Interview).
  • Location(s) – You can enter a zip code, city, and state and pick a radius from 5 to 100 miles from that location. NOTE: You can change the radius measurement to kilometers by navigating to your user menu > My Account > Profile > Regional Preferences).
  • Configure Filters – Admins can configure which search filters your team can use. Below the filtering section, click Configure Filters to add or remove.
  • Saved Searches – Run a search that you previously saved.

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Evolve ATS supports full Boolean search; please see the table below for additional details. The search works in combination with the filters -  in other words, if the filter is set only to show candidates from a particular source or for a specific job, your results will only contain people from that source or attached to that job.

You can check the Name only box to just search the name field.

At the top of the page, you'll see a summary that indicates the search you have performed, both keywords and filters and save it for future use.

Boolean Term Definition Example
AND If you use AND, you will only get results with both keywords. If you type Java AND Perl, you will get a set of candidates who have both Java and Perl in their profiles. AND is implied. In other words, you will get the same results if you type Java AND Perl as if you type Java Perl.
OR If you use OR, then you will get results that have any of the keywords. If you type dentist or DDS, you will get a set of candidates with either word in their profiles.
NOT You can exclude those with that keyword in their profiles if you use NOT. If you type sales NOT telesales, you will get those who have sales in their profiles and do not have telesales.
Quote marks Using quotes around two or more words will only get results with those words next to each other. If you type in "project manager", you will only get those with that term in their profiles, not someone who is a manager and mentions project elsewhere on the resume.
Wildcard* If you use a *, you will get any word that starts with the letters before the * If you type manag*, you will get those with manager, management, managing, etc., on their profiles.
Parenthesis If you use parenthesis around one operation, that will be completed first. If you (sales NOT telesales) AND (enterprise OR B2B), you will get those with sales and either enterprise or B2B - and exclude those with telesales on their profile.

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Quick View

Quick View (Info column) is a fast and easy way to look at a set of candidates. For instance, you can filter by a specific job and new status to screen applicants quickly. You can also search your entire database and quickly review your top results. To access Quick View, click the eye icon in the Info column next to a candidate.

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  • Use the Previous/Next arrows in the top right to quickly review your candidate list.
  • After the job title, you can see a link for other applications (e.g., +2 more).
  • If you click the Status link, you can move the candidate to the next step in your workflow.
  • Each candidate has (at least) five tabs, which are sticky as you move from candidate to candidate:
    • Summary shows personal information and any other applications.
    • Resume shows resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile.
    • Notes show internal notes about the candidate.
    • Message show emails to and from the candidate.
    • Interviews show all interviews scheduled and completed evaluations.
    • Video (optional) shows all video screens scheduled and completed by this applicant.
  • Click View Details to go to the complete candidate profile.

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