Manual Data Deletion Request (Right to be Forgotten)



General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires that a data controller (you; the customer) must respond to a request from an individual (applicant/contact/new hire) who has requested that you delete their personal data from your database and give individuals an option or ability access to edit/correct their information when requested. While these deletion and amendment rights are not absolute, Evolve ATS helps our customers comply to the extent they determine appropriate.

It is the customer's (your) responsibility to provide a way for individuals to request to be deleted or forgotten and delete applicant and contact records you have determined have not provided consent consistent with GDPR.

Evolve ATS also provides tools so our clients can anonymize applicant data so that it is no longer subject to GDPR but remains valuable in managing the flow, success, and cost of recruiting.


Super User

Data Deletion

To manually delete candidates, navigate to the Candidates tab.

candidates ribbon menu.png

From here, there are two ways you can delete candidates:

  • Bulk delete
  • Individually

Bulk Delete

You can bulk-delete candidates by clicking the checkbox before the candidate(s) name and selecting the Actions drop-down.

candidate selection.png

Click Delete.

bulk delete candidate.png

Select Delete Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or Delete Everything.

delete candidate.png

Click Delete.

Individually Delete

To individually delete candidates, click the candidate's name.

individual candidate selection.png

Click the + icon next to the candidate's name, then select Delete Candidate

individual candidate delete.png

Select Delete Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or Delete Everything.

delete candidate.png

Click Delete.

Re-seek consent

To re-seek consent from a candidate, navigate to the Candidates tab.

candidates ribbon menu.png

Click the checkbox before the candidate(s) name, then click the Actions drop-down.

candidate selection.png

Click Seek Consent.

reseek candidate consent.png

If desired, you can modify the message being sent to the candidate. 

seek consent candidate message.png

Click Send Message.


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