The Analytics platform allows you to schedule and send reports, facilitating regular data distribution to you and your team for easy analysis. Additionally, it allows to delete scheduled reports when they are no longer needed.
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Schedule a Dashboard
Within Analytics, navigate to My Reports or My Company folder and select the dashboard you want to schedule.
Click the menu icon and select Schedule delivery.
The Schedule Delivery pop-up window will open. You will need to do the following.
- Add a Schedule Name
- Select the Recurrence
- Select a Destination
- Enter Email Addresses for the desired recipients
- Select a Format
- PDF – Generates a single PDF attachment for the entire dashboard.
- Visualization – Place a visualization of your dashboard in the body of the email as a single image.
- CSV Zip File - Attaches a zip folder with one CSV file per ‘Look’ on the dashboard. Note that these CSVs don’t provide any visualizations – only the aggregated data.
Click Save.
All Dashboard filters can be set for scheduled dashboards. Relative date filters will always be evaluated against the current date and time when the schedule is set to run.
For example, Last 30 Complete Days will always be evaluated against the day the schedule runs.
Advanced Options
Several advanced options are also available.
- Custom Message – Write a custom message of up to 1500 characters to include in the body of the email.
- Expand tables to show all rows – Similar to exporting a dashboard to PDF, check this to ensure that you see all available table rows rather than just a subset.
- Arrange dashboard tiles in a single column—This option arranges all dashboard tiles in a single column instead of how they may be laid out on the dashboard.
- Paper Size – Choose the layout and size you want the dashboard to be sent in.
- Delivery timezone – Choose the time zone for the schedule to operate.
Click Save.
Schedule a Look
Within Analytics, navigate to My Reports or My Company folder and select the Look you want to schedule.
Click the gear icon, then select Schedule.
Scheduled Looks have different format options than dashboards:
- Data Table - Generates a data table in the body of the email in HTML
- Visualization - Places a visualization of your dashboard in the body of the email as a single image
- CSV - Data table attached as CSV text file
- XLSX - Data table attached as Excel file
- JSON – Simple - Data table attached as a JSON file
- Text - Data table attached as a tab-delimited text file
- HTML - Data table attached as an HTML file
Advanced Options
Scheduled Looks have additional advanced options:
- Send this schedule if:
- There are results.
- There are no results.
- There are either results or no results.
- And results changed since last run
- This option reduces unnecessary data deliveries. Looker sends the data only if the query results have changed since the last data delivery. NOTE: This option is unavailable if you want to use the All Results limit option.
- All Results
- If you use the Text, CSV, JASON – Simple, XLSX, or HTML format options, you can send ALL rows of the results. Otherwise, Looker imposes a 5,000-row limit. NOTE: Looker will not send an email over 15 MB.
- Format Options
- Apply Visualization Options – This will apply some data visualization settings to data deliveries.
- Formatted data values
- Timezone
- Choose a timezone for the schedule to operate.
Click Save All.
Delete a Scheduled Dashboard
Within Analytics, navigate to the My Reports or My Company folder and select the dashboard for which you want to delete the schedule.
Click the menu icon, then select Schedule delivery.
Click the menu icon, then select Delete.
Confirm that you want to Delete.
Delete a Scheduled Look
Within Analytics, navigate to either the My Reports or My Company folder and select the Look for which you want to delete the schedule.
Click the gear icon, then select Schedule.
Click the X next to the Look.
Click Save All.