Date Range Filter



The data range filter is one of the most frequently used filters in Analytics dashboards. The date range filter affects most charts on Analytics dashboards, which defines the time frame within which data is measured. The date range filter is highly configurable, allowing you to search within dates from a wide range of relative and absolute time frames. This article will explain how the filter measures time when inputting a date range.


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Access the Date Range Filter

The date range filter can be found in the filter bar above most Analytics dashboards.

date range filter.png

Once the filter has been expanded, you can select an operator (e.g., is in the last, is in range) and select/input a specific range (e.g., 30 days, six months, etc.) Dates in the date range filter are set to the user-defined time zone and formatted as [YYYY]/[MM]/[DD]. To learn which dashboards can be filtered by date range and how filtering works, please look at Dashboard Filters.

Date Range Functions

The chart below shows how the time frame is calculated for each configurable date range function in the filter. Each row in the table corresponds to an example of how a date range function would define a time frame based on the possible operator/range pairings. See the table below to read the list of pairings and their corresponding functions. When reading the table, consider 2022/06/15 as the current date unless otherwise stated.

Date Range Filter Input Function
Operator Range Start Date End Date Description
is in the last 30 days 2022/05/17 2022/06/16 Adds 1 day to the current date and then looks back 30 days.
4 weeks 2022/05/23 2022/06/20 Looks at the last day of the current week, adds 1 day, and then looks back 4 weeks.
3 months 2022/04/01 2022/07/01 Looks at the last day of the current month, adds 1 day, and then looks back 3 months.
2 quarters 2022/01/01 2022/07/01 Looks at the last day of the current (calendar) quarter, adds 1 day, and then looks back 6 months.
1 year 2022/01/01 2023/01/01 Looks at the last day of the current year, adds 1 day, and then looks back 1 year.
6 complete weeks 2022/05/02 2022/06/13 Looks at the last day of the previous week, adds 1 day, and then looks back 6 weeks.
is on the day 2022/06/15 2022/06/15 2022/06/16 Adds 1 day and then looks back 1 day.
is in the range 2022/02/01 until 2022/06/15 2022/02/01 2022/06/15 Since this function looks between two exact dates, we recommend using this operator for the most accurate filtering.
is before (relative) 2 months ago 1970/01/01 2022/04/01 Looks at the first day of the current month, subtracts 2 months, and then looks back to the first day of 1970.
is before (absolute) 2022/06/15 1970/01/01 2022/06/14 Looks at the day preceding the input date and then looks back to the first day of 1970.
is on or after (relative) 2 months ago 2022/04/01 2022/06/16 Looks at the first day of the current month, subtracts 2 months, and then looks forward to the current date plus 1 day.
is in the year 2022 2022/01/01 2023/01/01 Looks at the first day of the input year and then looks forward to 1 year.
is in the month June 2022 2022/06/01 2022/07/01 Looks at the first day of the input month (of the selected year) and then looks forward 1 month.
is this

day 2022/06/15 2022/06/15 Adds 1 day and then looks back 1 day.
week 2022/06/13 2022/06/20 Looks at the last day of the current week, adds 1 day, and then looks back to the first day of the week.
month 2022/06/01 2022/07/01 Looks at the last day of the current month, adds 1 day, and then looks back to the first day of the month.
quarter 2022/04/01 2022/07/01 Looks at the last day of the current (calendar) quarter, adds 1 day, and then looks back 3 months.
year 2022/01/01 2023/01/01 Looks at the last day of the current year, adds 1 day, and then looks back 1 year.
is next

day 2022/06/16 2022/06/16 Looks at the end of the current day and then looks forward to 1 day.
week 2022/06/20 2022/06/27 Looks at the last day of the current week, adds 1 day, and then looks forward 7 days.
month 2022/07/01 2022/08/01 Looks at the last day of the current month, adds 1 day, and then looks forward 1 month.
quarter 2022/07/01 2022/10/01 Looks at the last day of the current (calendar) quarter, adds 1 day, and then looks forward 3 months.
year 2023/01/01 2024/01/01 Looks at the last day of the current year, adds 1 day, and then looks forward 1 year.
is previous

day 2022/06/14 2022/06/14 Looks at the end of the previous day and then looks back 1 day.
week 2022/06/06 2022/06/13 Looks at the last day of the previous week, adds 1 day, and then looks back 7 days.
month 2022/05/01 2022/06/01 Looks at the last day of the previous month, adds 1 day, and then looks back 1 month.
quarter 2022/01/01 2022/04/01 Looks at the last day of the previous (calendar) quarter, adds 1 day, and then looks back 3 months.
year 2021/01/01 2022/01/01 Looks at the last day of the previous year, adds 1 day, and then looks back 1 year.

4 weeks ago, for 9 weeks 2022/05/16 2022/07/18 Looks back 4 weeks, adds 1 day, and then looks forward to the next 9 weeks.
3 months ago, for 5 weeks 2022/03/01 2022/04/01 Looks at the first day of the current month, looks back 3 months, and then looks forward to the next 5 weeks.
is null N/A N/A N/A Date is null; results may not be returned.
is any time N/A N/A N/A Looks at the data set throughout all time; may cause long load times.
is not null N/A N/A N/A Looks at the data set throughout all time; may cause long load times.
matches N/A N/A N/A Uses advanced filtering logic; recommended only for advanced users.
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