Configure LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect (RSC)



Integrating LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect (RSC) with Evolve ATS is a powerful tool for helping your recruiting team use the information found in both systems. This information can help your recruiting team identify key talent more efficiently for your company’s hiring needs.


Admins and LinkedIn Recruiter Admins


The following prerequisites are required for a successful integration.

  • LinkedIn Recruiter license with access to RSC
  • Enable Automatic Numbering of Requisitions
  • Enable General Application   

Enable Automatic Numbering of Requisitions

The Automatic numbering of requisitions setting must be enabled to allow job requisitions to sync from Evolve ATS to LinkedIn for the 1-Click Export integration.

To enable the automatic numbering of requisitions, navigate to your user menu > Admin > ATS > View Requisition Settings.

View req settings.png

At the bottom of the page, click Edit.

edit req settings.png

Under Automatic number of requisitions, select Enable.

enable auto numbering.png

Click Save.

Enable General Application

The Allow adding to general applications setting must be enabled for the Consented InMails integration to create candidate records in Evolve ATS. If this setting is not enabled, the integration creates contact records but will not generate candidate records.

Navigate to your user menu >  Admin > Configurations > View Custom Fields.

view custom fields.png

Select the Candidate tab, then click Add Candidate Form.

add candidate form.png

Select the checkbox next to Allow adding to general applications.

allow adding to general apps.png

This selection is automatically saved.

Configure LinkedIn RSC

Navigate to your user menu, then select Admin.

Cropped admin menu.png

Click Integrations.

cropped admin integations menu.png

Click View LinkedIn.

view linkedin.png

Click Edit.

edit linkedin settings.png

Click Configure LinkedIn Integrations.

configure Linkedin integration.png

NOTE: You will be prompted to log in to your LinkedIn Recruiter Account. You must log in as an administrator, or an error message appears. If you received an error, log out of any/all LinkedIn accounts you have opened and restart the process to log into your LinkedIn Recruiter Admin account.

If you have multiple contracts with LinkedIn, click Continue next to the contract you want to use with the integration.

select contract.png

Once the contract is selected, the integrations selection menu will appear in the pop-up.

RSC integrations menu.png

Check the box for Recruiter System Connect.

RSC selection.png

Click Save and close the dialog box.

Set Recruiter System Connect to Enable.

enable RSC.png

At this time, you can turn on individual integrations. For instructions, refer to Turn on Individual LinkedIn RSC Integrations.

Turn on Individual LinkedIn RSC Integrations

After you have enabled LinkedIn RSC, you can manage individual integrations. LinkedIn RSC includes five integrations; by default, all integrations are enabled. While some integrations are required (by LinkedIn), others are optional.

The following integrations are required:

  • The following integrations are required:
    • 1-Click Export
    • Consented InMail
    • In-ATS Indicator
  • The following integrations are optional:
    • LinkedIn Enhanced Profile
    • LinkedIn InMail

You can disable the integrations as needed; however, you must keep the required integrations enabled to be able to save the changes.

NOTE: LinkedIn RSC will not be enabled in your environment if the integrations are not displayed.

LI integration options.png

To enable the LinkedIn Enhanced Profile integration, click Enable. After the LinkedIn RSC integration is enabled, Evolve ATS syncs all contacts to LinkedIn. This is a one-time process that may take a few hours. Once the initial sync is complete, a confirmation message will appear.

enable enhanced profile.png

When enabling the In-ATS Indicator integration, you can choose between two options:

In ATS Indicator.png

  • Sync only applications from candidates who have consented to send their data to LinkedIn Recruiter - If you choose this option, the I agree to allow my application status to be visible inside LinkedIn Recruiter (optional) checkbox is added to the apply page on your career website. With this option, application workflow steps are only synced if a job seeker selects the checkbox.

NOTE: It is impossible to regain consent if not granted during the Apply process.

social profile.png

  • Sync all application statuses without the candidate's consent - All application workflow steps will be sent to LinkedIn if you choose this option.

NOTE: In the case of applications, there is an opportunity to sync historical data (not just data entered on a go-forward basis). The date you select determines how much data is synced into LinkedIn; therefore, if you choose not to sync all historical data, you will not see those historical applications from the ATS in LinkedIn.

Click Save.

Enable LinkedIn Recommended Matches and Unified Search

To enable LinkedIn Recommended Matches and LinkedIn Unified Search capabilities, you must first log in to LinkedIn Recruiter as an administrator.

In the same browser window, open a new tab and log in to Evolve ATS as an admin; navigate to your user menu, then select Admin.

Cropped admin menu.png

Click Integrations.

cropped admin integations menu.png

Click View LinkedIn.

view linkedin.png

Click Configure LinkedIn Integrations.

NOTE: If you skipped the first step and did not log in to LinkedIn Recruiter as an administrator, you are prompted to log in now. You must log in as an administrator, or an error message appears. If you received an error, log out of all LinkedIn accounts you have opened and restart the process to log In to your LinkedIn Recruiter Admin account.

configure LI integration.png

If you have more than one contract with LinkedIn, select the contract you wish to use to set up the integration and click Continue.

NOTE: You will need to select the contract for which an Active RSC is set up.

select contract.png

Under the Recruiter System Connect, there are two checkboxes to enable both Recommended Matches and Unified Search. Click each checkbox to Enable Recommended Matches and Unified Search for your account.

enable rec matches and unified search.png

NOTE: It may take up to 5 minutes for the settings to reflect in Evolve ATS and allow you to start using the Recommended Matches and Unified Search capabilities after this waiting period.

NOTE: If you are making multiple changes in the Configure LinkedIn Integrations widget, you will need to wait for the widget to refresh after making each change.

Connecting Evolve ATS User Account to LinkedIn Recruiter

Once LinkedIn RSC is enabled in your environment by an Evolve ATS administrator, you can connect your individual Evolve ATS user account to your LinkedIn Recruiter account. This will allow you to streamline the sourcing and management of candidates from both systems in Evolve ATS

NOTE: This configuration is required for all RSC integrations except LinkedIn Enhanced Profile.

Navigate to your user menu, then click My Account.

my account.png

Click Authorized Apps.  

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In the Integrations section, next to LinkedIn, click Connect and follow the sign-in prompts.

connect to linkedin auth apps.png



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