Source in Evolve Recruitment Marketing (RM) is a company's pool of candidates where all existing candidates are stored and where you can get more candidates by downloading them from job boards.
You can search the candidates pool and work with the found candidates: add them to folders or jobs, contact them via email or SMS, upload them to the ATS, tag them, and more. If the company has licenses on external job boards integrated with Evolve RM, Source will allow searching on those job boards and download resumes from there into Evolve RM.
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Create and Run a New Search
Navigate to the Talent tab, Source is selected by default.
You will see an Unsaved Search with no search criteria. This is where you start creating your searches and finding candidates.
Using the Search Criteria fields, you can create a new basic search by selecting one or more of the following:
- Add Job Title - Enter the job title you are searching for.
- Add Location - Specify the location where your candidates should reside.
- Keywords - Specify what terms (skills, qualifications, and other keywords) you would like to see in the found resumes.
- Talemetry Filters - Apply filters from the list of available filters for your search target.
Your search can have any combination of search criteria or filters, as there are no required fields in Source. When you change the search criteria or filters, you can click Search or Apply Filters accordingly to view the results returned for the specified criteria. NOTE: The more precisely you specify your search criteria, the better the results will be. Some external job boards will have minimum requirements (such as at least one keyword).
When you get the best combination of keywords and filters, you can save your search and, if needed, share it with all or selected source users or teams from your company.
Create a New Search
Next to Search Criteria, click the menu icon, then select New Search to open a blank search page.
In the Job Title field, enter the main core title of the job you are searching for. As you start typing, Source will open a list of associated titles. You can search by the title you have entered or select the title that best matches and is the most complete from the provided list. Use any or all of the additional controls to narrow down your search:
- Current Title - Select this option to find candidates where the selected job title is marked as current.
- Exact Match - Select this option to look for the specific job title entered in the Job Title field without stemming or related titles.
- Required - When this setting is toggled ON, the Job Title field is used as a required filter. Otherwise, it would be used to rank the results found by other search criteria using the job title score.
In the Add Location field, enter the geographic location where you want to find your candidates. You can also specify within what number of miles from the given location your best candidates should reside (Radius). A typical location should be unambiguous (i.e., City, State, not just City). NOTE: You can search for your Evolve RM or ATS candidates from multiple locations. However, many job boards support only one location. Therefore, if you are searching against job boards, you should only use one location in your search.
In the Keywords field, enter the keywords you want to see in the returned resumes. Press the Enter key to add the selected keyword to your search criteria.
You can click the Search button to run your basic search. The search will be performed on all search targets configured for the company.
In addition to the search criteria, you can add filters to your search from the Talemetry Filters section.
When you’re ready to run the search, click Apply Filters.
NOTE: Make sure to click Search or Apply Filters when you change anything on the search. The search will run based on the new criteria and return an updated results list.
Search Targets
Talemetry Search Target (the candidates you have in your pool) is provided by default and cannot be removed. Any other external search target (i.e., job boards configured for your company and your user) can be hidden from your search if you do not want to search that target.
To remove a search target from the search, click the X.
The removed target will go to the list of additional search targets available to add.
To add the removed target, click the + on the Search Target panel and select the target you want to add to your search.
Save a Search
When you get a combination of search criteria, search targets, and filters that return a good set of results, and you are ready to action candidates, you should save your search criteria to use it later and track activities against candidates. There is no limit on the number of saved searches for each user. You can save your new search or save changes to existing searches.
Save a New Search
You can save your new search with any number of search criteria, search targets, and filters.
Click Save.
Enter a name for your search in the pop-up. Try to use names that help easily differentiate between searches. For example, if you have several requisitions for a Java Developer, specify the difference in the search name (e.g., Java Developer, Seattle, or Java Developer, ABC Company). Leave spaces between words to help find your saved searches based on partial matches later. The system will not allow you to save a name that already exists on your list of saved searches.
Click Save.
Once the search is saved, it will be displayed in the list of your saved searches.
Save changes to an existing search
When you work with your saved search, you may need to modify filters or keywords to get more precise results. As soon as the search criteria for a saved search change, Save will be highlighted to inform you that your original search has unsaved changes.
Click Save to save your changes.
Save a Copy of an Existing Search
If you want to reuse your saved search criteria in another search or modify a search shared with you by a different Source user from your company, you will need to create a copy of the existing search and save it under a different name.
To save a copy of an existing search under a different name, next to Search Criteria, click the menu icon, then select Save As.
Enter a new name in the Save Search As pop-up.
Click Save. A copy of your search is saved with a new name and added to your list of saved searches.
If you enter a name that already exists in your list of searches, you will be prompted to enter a different name.
Rename Search
You can change the name of your saved searches at any time.
Next to Search Criteria, click the menu icon, then select Rename Search.
Enter a new name in the Rename Search pop-up.
Click Rename. If you enter a name that already exists in your list of searches, you will be prompted to enter a different name.
Delete Search
You can delete only your own searches. Evolve RM does not allow the deletion of searches shared by different users.
Select the search you want to delete, click the menu icon, and select Delete Search.
Confirm your decision on the confirmation dialog.
Share Your Search
You can share your search with other Source users from your company. They will be able to view your search results or copy your search and work with their own copy. You can stop sharing your search or change the users you share with at any time. A shared search has the owner's name appended to the search name in brackets. Source does not allow changing or deleting searches owned by a different user.
Open the search you want to share, click the menu icon, then select Share Search.
In the Share Search pop-up, select Share this search.
Type the name of the user or team with whom you want to share your search. Source will open suggested user names or team names that match the entered values as you type. Click the name of the user to add it to your Sharing list. You can share your search with any number of users.
Click Save to save your sharing rules.
Now your search is shared with the specified users. The Share menu option has a checkbox to indicate that this search is shared.
If you do not want to share your search with any selected users, you can change your sharing rules anytime.
Open the shared search in the Search Criteria area, click the menu icon, and then select Share Search.
To remove a user or a team from your sharing list, click the x next to that user’s or team's name.
If you do not want to share your search anymore, uncheck Share this search.
Click Save to save your updated sharing rules.
Working with Candidates in Source
The search results page has 25 candidates by default, with an option to see 50, 100, or 200 candidates per page.
The results panel shows a summary of each found candidate. You can click the candidate's name to open that candidate's profile.
Sorting the Results
The default sorting order is by the keyword/filter ranking with the most relevant results on top, or by the time candidates were added to the system when no filters and keywords are applied. Sorting by the First Name or Last Name has a secondary sorting order. When the primary sorting is by the First Name, the secondary sorting is by the Last Name; when the primary sorting is by the Last Name, the secondary sorting is by the First Name.
You can sort the results ascending or descending by the following:
- Age of Resume
- First Name
- Last Name
- Last Email Date
- Last SMS Date
- Last ATS Application Date
Working with Search Results
As you continue working with your list of results, you can perform several actions on each result, on the selection of results, or on the entire list of found candidates (some actions are limited to 5,000 candidates at a time).
To perform actions on a single candidate, click the menu icon on the candidate's summary.
To perform actions on the candidates selected on the same page, select the candidates and use the page menu on that page.
To perform actions on the candidates selected on multiple pages, select the candidates and use the quicklist menu above the results list.
To perform an action on the entire list of candidates (up to 25,000 candidates for most actions), do not select any candidate and use the page menu.
The list of available actions varies depending on the menu type (single, selected, or all).