Job Description Formatting Best Practices



When creating requisitions, it is essential to use consistent formatting to ensure that job descriptions on your career site look clean and professional. Below, you will find best practices for ensuring consistent job descriptions in Evolve ATS.


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Best Practices

Avoid copying and pasting from Microsoft Word documents

If you find that your job descriptions display inconsistent or unexpected formatting and/or characters on your career site or job board postings, this is an indication that the job description was created by copying it from a Word document and pasting it into the description field on the requisition. This can be problematic because word processors like Microsoft Word often carry hidden code with the text, which can conflict with HTML elements and CSS style on the career site.

One way to avoid this issue is to have recruiters or users creating requisitions follow the below steps:

  • Copy the text from Word into Notepad and strip out any bullet points.
  • Copy the text from Notepad to your Evolve ATS job description field.
  • Select all the text and click Formats/blocks/Paragraph.
  • Select the text lines you want to convert to bold and click the B icon.
  • Select the text lines you want to convert to lists and click Bullet List.

Upload Job Descriptions

One alternative to copying and pasting from Word is to use Upload, which is found beneath the job description field. The file should be a PDF, Microsoft Word, or Text File under 10MB. This will allow our software to better convert the content and formatting from the source document into HTML formatting for your career site than is possible through copying and pasting.

job description formatting.png

Field Map Job Descriptions

Field Mapping is the most comprehensive solution for managing and maintaining job descriptions. The job description field on the requisition form can be field-mapped so that its value is automatically populated by the value selected on some other requisition field, such as a unique job code or internal job title.

Within your Field Mapping file, it is possible to embed the full, HTML-coded job descriptions for each unique job that your company may post. It is recommended that you enlist the help of your web development or marketing team to develop job descriptions and formatting consistent with your company branding.

For more information about Field Mapping, see Requisition Field Mapping.

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