We've compiled a list of links to help you get started as a Recruiter in Evolve ATS, including information on getting started, overviews, and processes.
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My Account Overview—Once your account has been created in Evolve ATS, you can enter personal information and set preferences for it.
Send a Jobvite - The Send a Jobvite feature in Evolve ATS allows you to connect your account to your social networks to find candidates for jobs at your organization or send private messages about opportunities. You can create Jobvites for your friends or fellow employees.
Managing Candidates -This article provides an overview of managing candidates within Evolve ATS. This includes Candidate Search, Candidate Information, and Adding Candidates.
Hire Candidate - Hiring a candidate is quick and easy in Evolve ATS.
Reject Candidate - Rejecting a candidate is quick and easy in Evolve ATS. There are three different ways you can reject a candidate: From the Candidate Profile, From the Candidate List page, or Reject Candidate window.
Add Candidate to Collection—Within Evolve ATS, you can select an individual or group of candidates and save them as a collection for future use.
Add / Create Requisition - Multiple requisition templates in Evolve ATS can be used to add/create requisitions.